หน้าหลัก ค้นหา ติดต่อ สมุดโทรศัพท์ การเรียน/การสอน เหตุการณ์ แผนที่เว็บ Thai/Eng

หน้าหลัก » Ven. Dao Minh Van
เข้าชม : ๑๙๘๑๕ ครั้ง
The Theravāda Buddhist Education System in Southern Vietnam and Its Contribution to the Society (Buddhist Studies)
ชื่อผู้วิจัย : Ven. Dao Minh Van ข้อมูลวันที่ : ๑๕/๐๘/๒๐๑๘
ปริญญา : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
คณะกรรมการควบคุมวิทยานิพนธ์ :
  Phra Rajapariyattimuni
  Ven. Walmoruwe Piyaratana
วันสำเร็จการศึกษา : 2017

The main object of this thesis is to study the system of Buddhist education in Southern Vietnam. Further, it also aims to study the development of Theravāda Buddhist educational administration and influence of Theravāda Buddhism on Khmer Society in Southern Vietnam, especially the Buddhist education.

During this research, the researcher found that Theravāda Buddhism which is practiced by Southern Vietnamese was highly influenced by Cambodian Theravāda Buddhism. Due to this establishment Buddhism, it also got a chance to integrate with other Theravāda Buddhist countries, like Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. With its very introduction and establishment of the Buddhism, it has been variously influenced on Southern Vietnamese people. It also was influenced on education system of this particular area.

Further it found that Buddhist education plays very significant role in the system of education of Southern Vietnamese society. People pay much attention to earn their primary education through the Theravāda centers, especially those who are in the Order. Monks and nuns are required to study Buddhism very well and many monastic educational centers have been established in order to fulfill the thirst of them. Meanwhile, responsible monks of the country have established a systematic Buddhist education model to teach Buddhism gradually and got the official approval to recognize its standard equal to the general education system of the country. The Khmer Theravāda Buddhist Studies in Southern Vietnam is referred to the study programs of Dhamma Vinaya and Pāli school and Buddhist studies undergraduate school. The studies programs are classified into three degrees.

Further, the thesis discusses the contribution and impact of the Theravāda Buddhism toward Khmer Society in Southern Vietnam. It explores the significant factor of religious activities and society welfares of Khmer people in southern Vietnam such as fine art organized, schooling, Buddhist dissemination, social works and contribution to set up and maintain by Theravāda Buddhism.



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