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หน้าหลัก » Young Jin Park
เข้าชม : ๑๙๘๑๐ ครั้ง
An Analytical Study on Pure Land Concept in Mahāyāna Buddhism: A Case Study of Jungto Society in Korea (Master of Arts Buddhist Studies)
ชื่อผู้วิจัย : Young Jin Park ข้อมูลวันที่ : ๒๓/๐๕/๒๐๑๙
ปริญญา : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
คณะกรรมการควบคุมวิทยานิพนธ์ :
  Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso
  Sanu Mahatthanadull
วันสำเร็จการศึกษา : March 14, 2019

This thesis has three objectives: 1) to study the concept of Pure Land in Mahāyāna Buddhism, 2) to study Buddhist activities of Jungto Society and 3) to analyze the Pure Land concept applied by Jungto Society and its impact on Jungto Society in Korea. This study focus mainly on the concept of Pure Land and its later day innovation in the how Buddhist teachings are taught by Jungto Society of the Korea.

The Pure Land concept applied by Jungto Society in the following issues - application of Pure Land concept by Jungto, application of Buddhist teachings that are taught by Jungto contributions and impact of the society.. The impact and change seen through its four main activities – JTS, Good Friend, Peace Foundation and Eco Buddha is not only local Buddhists but interfaith and global. Jungto Society advices returning to the fundamental teachings of the Buddha with Right Buddhism, Easy Buddhism and everyday Buddhism.



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